Activities and Events

Summer Exhibition Saturday 20th to Saturday 27th July 2024.

Please come and visit our autumn exhibition, original paintings, prints and cards for sale.

Exhibition opening times
Saturday 20th July 12 noon - 4.00pm
Sunday 21st - Saturday 27th July 10am to 4 pm.

We have a number of activities planned for the Exhibition, as follows:

  • • Monday 22nd July 2.00pm – 3.30pm: Drawing demonstration
  • • Tuesday 23rd July 10.15am – 12 noon: Painting demonstration
  • • Wednesday 24th July: 2.00pm – 3.30pm: – Gelli print demonstration
  • • Thursday 25th July 2.00pm – 3.30pm: Children’s drop-in workshop
  • • Friday 26th July 10.00am – 12 noon: Portrait demonstration

Free Admission Parking Disabled Access.

Venue address
Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, Bowdon Road, Bowdon, Altrincham WA14 2AJ

Studio sessions

The Society produces a programme of activities emailed to members approximately every three months. At present informal studio groups meet on Monday afternoon and evening, Tuesday morning, afternoon and evening, and Thursday morning. Members come together in the studio to enjoy the company and inspiration of others. Some sessions have a pre-arranged theme (e.g. drawing skills). At others, members choose to explore their own subjects and media. All these informal groups are volunteer-run and free of charge. There is also life drawing once a month on a Wednesday afternoon (small charge), occasional themed member-led fun sessions and social events. When the studio is not being used for a planned session, members are free to use the studio to work on their own projects

Workshops and demonstrations

paul talbot-greaves demonstration Workshops and demonstrations, given by professional artists and our more experienced members, are usually held on a Saturday around once a month, and are advertised by email. There is a modest charge for these events to cover the costs of tuition from the visiting artist.

Zoom facilities are available and we can also run online workshops through our private Facebook group. We aim to cover a wide range of media and subjects. Our workshop organisers welcome feedback and are open to suggestions for future workshops. The aim is to offer a friendly and supportive environment that responds to the needs and interests of members.

Social Events

Social events currently include a fish and chip supper in the autumn, an Annual Dinner in the spring, and occasional coffee mornings and new members events. Dates and venues for these events are posted on the programme of activities and by email.


Exhibitions currently take place at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls Bowdon Road, Bowdon, Altrincham WA14 2AJ. Exhibitions typically include around 200 framed paintings by our members – most of which are for sale, along with unframed originals, prints and greetings cards. Paintings are eligible for awards and commendations in various categories, awarded by a guest professional Selector.

asa exhibition

Additional exhibitions are occasionally held at other venues. The dates of each Exhibition are posted on the website and on the Society’s public Facebook Page.

"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it" Pablo Picasso